The brand new show James Freedman: Moment of Truth premiered at the Edinburgh International Festival throughout August.
Fresh from his West End show ‘Man of Steal’, “the world’s number one pickpocket” (Time Out) and “master of the deceptive arts (The Stage) returns to Edinburgh in this brand-new, funny and action-packed show about conmen, crooks and crime. “A master showman” (London Evening Standard). “Freedman fools us with terrifying ease” (The Guardian). “A genius in his field” (Derren Brown). “Instantly-likeable, endlessly surprising and entertaining” (Fringe Guru). “Freedman leaves his audience blown away” (West End Frame). “A dazzling display of thievery and a spectacular coup de theatre” (The Daily Telegraph). “Genuinely jaw-dropping” (The Times).
Every day 3rd - 25th August at 12:10pm (Doors open at noon) The Ballroom, Voodoo Rooms, West Register Street, Edinburgh EH2 2AA